Mystery does not lie only with the lost world of Atlantis, or the psychic definition of Pyramids, or the underlying obscurity of UFOs. Mystery itself, lies within ourselves.
"What distinguishes someone who listens to their inner guidance--who 'talks to GOD'--from someone who simply thinks they talk to God? The answer has to do with vibration and with stability. Money, for instance, is something that people feel gives them stability. But it is actually completely unstable. A business, to be successful, needs stability--stable laws, a stable currency. The same is true of relationships. You need a certain number of stable factors to hold a relationship together, a measure of agreement between the two parties. If it's not there, they have to renegotiate, or they break up. The point is, if you're going to base your life on something important, base it on something that's not going to change."
To tell if a person's really getting guidance from God or not, look at what they're doing. What are their actions? Are they helping people or not? If a person is really getting in touch with life, they'll be happier and they'll be giving more love. The very essence of this energy wave is love. If you think about what is keeping us alive, I can't think of anything more loving than that. So getting back to this idea of how to tell if you're in balance or not, ask the question: Is what you're doing helping you and other people gain some kind of love, in a survival sense, and is it making your life better?"